Every so often Our Lives News produce special episodes.
Here they are...
Season 5 Clips
To see more of Season 5 go to the
"Previous Episodes"
Coronation Special
Find out how some of the OCMAT schools
celebrated the coronation of
King Charles III
OCMAT Launch
Watch the official launch of the OCMAT academy.
Countdown to the Moon
Find out about the events that led up to the first man walking on the moon.
Opening the Acorn Speech and Language Centre
Watch coverage of the opening and find out who the special guest was.
Milstead and Frinsted C of E Primary School
This special features two more items the team from Milstead and Frinsted sent in for the "Village Newsdesk"
World Book Day 2020
The PiEAT and Village Academy Schools celebrated World Book Day. Here are some of the things they did.
Mr Whitehead's Christmas Stories